We are looking
SKB Logistics: solid collaboration
SKB Logistics is a container transport company that operates on the basis of solid collaboration and mutual trust. We are of the opinion that this forms the basis for a shared result: stable transport, competitive but healthy rates, helping each other out in difficult situations (shortages, surpluses or a forgotten rush job) and safe situations on the road. Good transport at a good, competitive price.
Please contact us for a customised quote: +31 85 111 7650 or info@skblogistics.nl.
Our container transport services
One-way transport
One-way transport is the transport of goods in containers on the basis of a single trip: the container is loaded in Rotterdam and is delivered in Mainz, Germany. The customer only pays for this trip, for these kilometres. SKB Logistics arranges the return trip with another customer. This creates the right impulse, as we schedule our trips as efficiently as possible